"The #1 platform for growing class and appointment-based businesses."

In this short 7-minute must-see video, FBA & SUCCEED! founder & CEO, Josh Leve introduces Vojta Drmota, Co-Founder and CEO from Momence.

Together they'll discuss...

  • The vision for Momence and FBA moving through 2023
  • How Momence can be your one-stop shop for running your business
  • How this information impacts YOU!

Don't miss out, there's a special gift at the end!

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Josh Leve

Josh Leve is the Founder & CEO of the Fitness Business Association (FBA) and SUCCEED! the FBA Virtual Fitness Conference & Expo. With FBA's collective audience close to 100,000 and nearly 70 industry partnerships, its success has translated into Josh being featured in all major fitness publications and a spotlight speaker at IHRSA, Athletic Business, Mindbody BOLD, Club Industry, NSCA, NASM, EMPOWER!, ZUMBA, and many more.

Vojta Drmota

Vojta is the CEO and Co-Founder of Momence, an all-in-one platform for studios, fitness and wellness facilities. Vojta has many years of experience in building and selling software to small businesses, and is passionate about improving the quality of software that small business owners use when running their business. Vojta studied Philosophy and Computer Science at Harvard before starting Momence.


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