Fitness Marketing Agency’s sales coach, Luke Robinson, has coached hundreds of Fitness Business Owners around the world. In this training, he will give you an overview of what FMA’s successful clients are doing right now in their sales process and show you exactly what's working right now in the fitness industry. Luke will help you gain confidence and have the ability to create a willingness in your prospects to spend more to achieve the health and fitness they desire.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to effectively maximize your sales 
  • The best way to connect on a deeper level with your customers to create long-term engagement and higher retention rates
  • Find out how you can increase your recurring revenue and overall conversion rate
  • Discover a simple 4 step framework that you can use on every sales call to qualify your leads to the highest potential

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Luke Robinson

Luke is a high-level salesperson and coach with a previous track record of selling millions in products and services around the globe across multiple industries. Luke has mastered the information-gathering stage of a sales call and believes this is where most sales are won and lost. Luke has gained valuable skills through his own experiences in selling, education, trial and error and surrounding himself with elite salespeople to always continue to learn and grow his own knowledge.



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