Holyoke Fitness Club

Trisha Herman was raised in the Kansas City area and graduated from Kansas State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Family Life and Community Service.

Herman and her husband have been on the Colorado Eastern Plains since 2006 and moved to Holyoke in 2010. Before beginning her career in Economic Development she has worked various jobs in the Education field from teaching preschool, Kindergarten and running her own daycare. Her most recent experience was serving as the Executive Director for Phillips County Education Services for the last 7 years. Through this position Herman has gained experience in non-profits, office and bookkeeping, grant writing and managing others. Herman is also no stranger to Phillips County due to her active involvement in the community. She serves on the Holyoke City Recreation Committee, she is the Project Coordinator of the Holyoke Childcare Initiative, Business Consultant for SBDC, Treasurer of the Woman's Golf Board and she serves on her church's Board of Education. Herman also opened her own business in 2015 and started the Holyoke Fitness Club.

In her spare time Herman love to run and has completed several races including a marathon. Although she is very active and involved in the community she always puts her family first. Her husband, Justin, works for Pioneer Seed and they have two children. Kaden- 11yrs and Braylin 9yrs and 2 Bulldogs names Ozzy and Oscar.