Welcome! Join FBA and SUCCEED! Founder & CEO, Josh Leve, and TrueCoach General Manager, Michelle Furnis, as they kick off the event with a rundown of what you can expect throughout the day.

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Josh Leve

Josh Leve is the Founder & CEO of the Fitness Business Association (FBA) and SUCCEED! the FBA Virtual Fitness Conference & Expo. With FBA's collective audience close to 100,000 and nearly 70 industry partnerships, its success has translated into Josh being featured in all major fitness publications and a spotlight speaker at IHRSA, Athletic Business, Mindbody BOLD, Club Industry, NSCA, NASM, EMPOWER!, ZUMBA, and many more.

Michelle Furniss

Michelle Furniss is the General Manager, TrueCoach by Xplor - an innovative online coaching app to help coaches and personal trainers grow their businesses across the globe. Michelle has worked for Xplor for the past 10 years in senior leadership roles, most recently as Chief Commercial Officer, Australia/New Zealand where she led sales, marketing, account management, and client services, responsible for over 5,000 clients and a team of 100+ colleagues.


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