As business owners, we only have so many hours in the day. Knowing where to spend your limited time and resources is one of the biggest challenges in running a successful business. In this training session, you’ll learn the 5 key pillars of running a successful fitness business and a framework for how to identify which of these pillars is holding your business back from greater success. This allows you to focus your time and resources where it matters most.


Key Takeaways:

  • Key activities for a successful outreach campaign to bring in more leads
  • What makes a good introductory offer to new customers
  • 3 things that can help increase your conversion rates to repeat customers
  • 5 processes to have in place for solid customer retention
  • Why setting goals and having a plan is the key to a successful business

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Eddie Arpin

Eddie has been helping people achieve their goals through technology for over 15 years. He is currently helping thousands of wellness and fitness business owners as a co-founder of OfferingTree. OfferingTree is an all-in-one software platform that takes the headache out of running your business. Eddie loves to help people who are new to OfferingTree solve their tech problems and set them up for success so they can focus on growing professionally and helping their students and clients.


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