Interview with Cicely Everson, Owner of Tao Holistics.

We interviewed Cicely to learn more about  experience working with OfferingTree and how it helped to evolve her business.

  • (1:10) Tell us about how you founded Tao Holistics; how are you different from your competitors?
  • (2:27) Why did you decide to start looking for softwares? What problems were you looking to solve?
  • (3:42) Once you started using OfferingTree, what happened that made you feel certain it was right for your business?
  • (6:02) How has your business evolved since working with OfferingTree?
  • (7:29) What are your future plans with the business?
  • (8:59) What would you tell others when it comes to recommending OfferingTree for their software needs?

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Cicely Everson

Cicely is the owner and creator of Tao Holistics, a boutique apothecary & functional medicine/ wellness studio. They help you cultivate a growth mindset and radically shift your health in mind, body, and soul.  Whether you're in for an energy healing session, a consultation, class or workshop, their range of modalities is curated to help you optimize your health, quality of life, and ultimately, longevity.


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