In this edition of FBA Insider: Tips from the CEO...

Josh is breaking down a simple yet effective program you can run at any time of the year that helps increase your retention rate, but also drives more leads. With people craving social interactions, there's never been a better time to challenge your members or clients and introduce them to a fun program that brings back the joy of when we were young.

Running a member attendance challenge strikes a chord with so many because it's simple to do, yet encourages your clientele to stay on track with their fitness goals. 

Enjoy this short, action-packed, insight directly from our CEO himself!

What can you expect to learn?

  • How to run an effective challenge without a ton of work
  • How to increase your leads by simply encouraging clients to bring a friend
  • Why this challenge can be set up and run in a day


Helpful links...

Need More Revenue? Fitness Marketing Strategies to 3x Your Leads, Prospects, and Clients in 2021

How to Market and Sell Fitness that Overcomes Any Objection

Fitness Programming in a Post-COVID World

Robust Programming for the Active Ager