Personal Training for "older adults" will continue to be the largest revenue opportunity in fitness history.   Currently, in the United States, over 80% of the spending power lies with people over the age of 55, yet most fitness programming and marketing is focused on the 20% of spending power people under age 50.  

In this short presentation, Dr. Dan Ritchie the President of the Functional Aging Institute will outline a few simple keys to help you train mature clients better, but also communicate and market to them better.


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Dan Ritchie

Dan is the President and Co-Founder of the Functional Aging Institute and a best-selling author of Never Grow Old!

With over 20 years of experience in the field and having trained over 2,000 clients over age 55.   Dan received his PhD at Purdue University in Kinesiology with a minor in Gerontology.  In addition, Dan leads a team of 7 trainers at Miracles Fitness a personal training studio with an average age clientele over 62.   In addition to being an international speaker on the topic of aging and fitness, Dan has also been involved in research on Alzheimers and Parkinsons.


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